VATSIM Compatibility with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

Dear VATSIM Community,

We wanted to update you regarding the compatibility of our software with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, which is set to launch on November 19. While we are actively working on the necessary updates, please note that our software will not be fully compatible right at launch.

We are committed to delivering the update as quickly as possible. Our team is on it, and we expect to have the update ready within several hours after the release. In the worst-case scenario, it may take some time to ensure everything is thoroughly tested and working as intended.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience during this process, and we will keep you informed of our progress. Thank you for your continued support and for flying with us!


Do you know aprrox how long it will take

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This was posted 10 days ago. Is there any sort of update on progress? Will we be waiting weeks, months? Not being snobby, but I [mistakenly] assumed vPilot would be ready to go for 2024 and honestly wouldn’t have even purchased the game yet if I knew it wasn’t lol. Career mode is cool, yeah, but I desire….no, I NEED the realism of VATSIM. The game works for a lot of us so at least a progress update would be fantastic. Thanks! :sunglasses:

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I agree. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that Asobo said 2024 would be compatible with Vatsim. What’s taking Vatsim so long?


Was just thinking a bit more on this and those of us who are able to get the game working decently are probably the minority amongst the community, so VATSIM/vPilot probably aren’t dedicating much, if any resources or personnel to making it compatible until Microsoft/Asobo get their stuff together. PMDG came out yesterday saying they were told by Microsoft that their products would be compatible with 2024 (as simple as a direct port) and they found out that it’s not the case even in the slightest and that EVERYTHING is different with the new sim compared to 2020, so they’re basically taking a backseat on making anything for 2024 a priority until they get explanations. I’d imagine the same applies here. Just speculation though.


This is assuming that everything Asobo said was true and correct. From the additional time taken for this, that apparently isn’t the case.

However, while not speaking for the developers, I can say that there are other issues that the pilot clients are encountering with the new sim that are causing the update to be delayed. This is normal with any new simulator release.

IIRC, it took a couple of months for FS2000 and FS2002, and a little under 4 weeks for FS2004, while a week for FSX. In short, these things take time, as this is all a volunteer network and is subject to the developer’s time. In short, everyone needs to be patient. It will come.

Meanwhile, if there are such issues with the pilot clients, imagine the issues and growing pains from migrating to a new sim. Pilots should instead take the time to get themselves acclimated to the new sim instead of jumping immediately on the network and having problem that they can’t fix then.


Absolutely. Who the hell wants to fly on VATSIM on MSFS2024 right now with the state of the sim and aircraft within it? Personally I’ll be sticking with MSFS2020 on VATSIM for a long time to come and just enjoy some offline VFR flying with MSFS2024 - that’s what it excels at.

I guess I would count toward one of the people who would like to use it. The A330, A400M, A321LR, and Beluga all seem well done along with most of the GA offerings especially the PC-12.

It would take me hours to type out the details, but in summary, suffice it to say, our developers, particularly Ross with vPilot, and many other folks on the VATSIM side, have been devoting dozens of hours (so far, with no clear end in sight) into trying to make things work with MSFS2024. Needless to say, as many have surmised from other developers’ discoveries, there were many aspects that were assumed, based on Microsoft’s assertions, to be “seamless”, yet we are finding that is very, very far from the truth. A ton of effort has been expended all day again today, and we continue to find more/new issues. And Microsoft, in addition to not coordinating with us in advance as we had tried to do, has thus far been silent with respect to planned closure of any of the issues. Needless to say, we continue to work to find a somewhat respectable middle ground that will support the network without imposing too much burden on the user community, and are not waiting for Microsoft to fix the issues at hand. Our current hope is to release a pilot client version that will accommodate MSFS2024 and compensate as best as possible for its warts and issues, and obviously improve the user experience as Microsoft fixes issues.


I’m quite surprised it is taking so long. My virtual airline software and fsuipc worked with the sim on launch. So clearly the data the sim spits out is the same. Perhaps the injection of traffic is the problem? My VA software doesn’t add any traffic to the sim. I’ve heard about people already using GSX. So 3rd party planes and scenery will be different, but 3rd party flight logging software shouldn’t need many changes. But what do I know? I’m not a programer.

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I have been waiting since launch day
Every 1 hour I look at the feed and nothing. No new updates. But as you said we aren’t programmers

The injection of traffic is a key problem, but there are others. There are many data elements that are the same, but many important ones that are not.


We all are waiting, and a big thank you to this fantastic people that working on it.
Sadly it sound like this wil also take its time.

it was released yesterday: Compatibility update for msfs2024
vPilot should prompt you for an update the next time you start it up