For those not following the thread on the FSDT forums, Umberto’s fix for overriding the pitch velocity value during pushback worked a little bit, in that the pitch changes are much better now, but it’s not ideal since the movement is still a little jittery, and it also greatly increases SimConnect message traffic. So I instead have made a change in vPilot so that it ignores the invalid velocity values during pushback and doesn’t send them to the VATSIM server … it instead sends a velocity of zero.
This technique is a compromise because it doesn’t fix the true problem, and it requires changes to all MSFS/P3D/FSX pilot clients, but it also doesn’t require any changes to the VATSIM network protocol or any xPlane client to deal with the bad velocity values on the remote end, since they aren’t sent to begin with.
This vPilot change is currently being tested and if it works, it will be in the next public release of vPilot which will be on March 1st.