How to tune 8.33 kHz Frequencies

First of all: Listen Carefully!

With 8.33 kHz, some frequencies have gotten a bit more “complicated”. Therefore, it is more important than ever to tune the frequency exactly as instructed by the controller! Listen carefully and do not second guess. When in doubt what frequency to tune, or when unable to tune an 8.33 kHz frequency, go back to the previous controller and let them know.

Native 8.33 kHz Support

In most cases your simulator will be capable of tuning 8.33 kHz frequencies natively, which means you can tune them from your cockpit radio as per usual by simply turning the dials. However, if you are running older legacy software, or you are flying an aircraft that is simulating older avionics, this might not always be the case. Please follow the instructions below:

Instructions for software without 8.33 kHz support

To tune an 8.33 kHz frequency manually in older legacy software, please use the following command in the text field of your pilot client (vPilot, xPilot or Swift), followed by the frequency you want to tune:


For example if you want to tune the new Frankfurt Ground (EDDF_GND) frequency on 121.805:

.COM1 121.805

To tune another frequency, like the new Amsterdam Tower (EHAM_M_TWR) frequency on 119.230, simply use the same command again:

.COM1 119.230

Problems while flying online?

If you run into problems while trying to tune one of the new 8.33 kHz frequencies when connected to the network, make sure to inform ATC as soon as possible via a text message so they are aware of your issues. You can double click on the controller in the online list of your pilot client (vPilot, xPilot or Swift) to open a private chat, or use the following command:


For example, to chat directly with Frankfurt Ground (EDDF_GND) use:


Affected Frequencies for Legacy Addons

When using legacy addons, the frequencies listed below will work as usual, and you can tune them using your aircraft radio in your simulator

  • xxx.x00
  • xxx.x25
  • xxx.x50
  • xxx.x75

When using legacy addons, the frequencies listed below will need to be tuned using the command


Or by selecting the frequency through the Online ATC List within your pilot client.

  • xxx.x05
  • xxx.x10
  • xxx.x15
  • xxx.x30
  • xxx.x35
  • xxx.x40
  • xxx.x55
  • xxx.x60
  • xxx.x65
  • xxx.x80
  • xxx.x85
  • xxx.x90

Native Support

Known addons/simulators that currently do not support 8.33 kHz


  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v4 (P3Dv4)
  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v3 (P3Dv3)
  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v2 (P3Dv2)
  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v1 (P3Dv1)
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX)
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9)


  • PMDG aircraft (for FSX & P3D simulators)
  • Quality Wings aircraft (for FSX & P3D simulators)
  • Majestic Software MJC8-Q400

This list is by no means complete.
Other (older) simulators and addons may not support 8.33 kHz either.


Hello, i’m using P3D v4.5 and iFly 737 NG and i can’t tune the new freq in my radio stack.
If I have always use the .com1 …then I can only put 1 freq in my radio stack.
I hope that there wil come a solution like in IVAO there is not that problem.
I don’t want to change to another aircraft.
Bennie Peeters

If anyone is interested, I have written a small programme that places the required “.com” command onto your clipboard ready for pasting (Ctrl V) into the pilot client’s chat box. (I find this very useful especially when wearing my VR headset!)
This programme is available here: -