EuroScope v3.2.7

Can someone confirm this? For me it loads automatically, even from different folder than DataFiles:

Hi, I can confirm. If you don’t show the METARs in the top bar and you don’t have the METAR List open, METARs are not loaded.
It should be great that METARs are loaded and updated in the background so we don’t have to use the EuroScope list or display them in the top row. This way we can use the plugin weather lists only.


I’ll check again!!
I wrote this issue because I actually saw a ‘strange’ profile, and it was much better after loading the file again with my changes.


Hi, not sure if this has been addressed already (guess most people are still on 3.2.3, so hard to say). Long standing bug I think.

If a downstream sector requests a direct from an upstream sector, this direct diesn’t get propagated to other controllers. Take an aircraft moving via sectors A, B and C in sequence, when B requests a direct from A, this doesn’t get pushed to C. Range doesn’t matter, it happens with aircraft within C’s range.

If this has already been addressed after 3.2.3, disregard :slight_smile:

Allowing the plugin to manipulate the scroll would help me like 1000x implementing the features as dev.

Hi Gergely, it appears the ‘Never close FREQ chat’ option no longer works, as I’m able to close the frequency chat even when the option is checked.

Yes, I also noticed this

Deselecting the current aircraft via ESC key doesn’t work in 3.2.7

For some people in my vACC it does work but I found another issue on mine:
When using alias, the next frequency does not get automatically added, however the callsign of said station is.I did not have this issues before.

Can anyone confirm they are also experiencing this?


Had two EuroScope CTDs tonight while online as EBBU_W_CTR. First one happened at the exact same second it happened to EBBU_E_CTR, so doesn’t seem like a local problem. I was the only one left in EBBU when it happened the second time.

I have a EuroScope_crash_.dmp and EuroScope_crash_.txt which may or may not be useful, and I was streaming on Twitch if you want to see what was on the scope. Can I PM or email that to you @904331?

Indeed, I see the same

Yes, please, send me the files.

Found a little typo:

Might be related: “.QX designator” also doesn’t work for handoffs.

Dump files from a few crashes happened

A temporary workaround: press F6 to switch to the flight strip, then press esc, the a/c should be deselected.

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heya, good afternoon. I got a quite weird bug at the moment.

For a day of 2 now, I can’t load any sector files in ES without it crashing. It doesn’t give me any crashlog or crash notifications, it just quits.
I used version 3.2.3 and didn’t change a single thing for the past time (except for installing some addons for MSFS, but that should be irrelevant).

I did a complete de-install via the setup program AND manually. I also tried out a different version (3.2.7) which had the same result.

I got a friend of mine to send me his ES folder, once I unzipped it i works fine. But after I close it I can’t start it again without starting from the ZIP file.
Its something within the “Euroscope” folder in program files, because when I leave the “Euroscope” folder located in …/user/roaming as it is, it does work after a reinstall of the other folder.

I unfortinately got no pictures as it is just a instand crash. No warnings, no indications etc.

Steps I follow:

  1. Launch ES.

  2. Select sector file via the file manager popup.

  3. ES crashes once selecting the file.

  4. close the file manager popup

  5. load sector/open via the menu on the top

  6. A empty file launches

I just recently switched over to ES 3.2g and tried the “Shift Change” functionality for the second time now. Both times, the following issues arise:

  • Click “Ready for shiftchange”
  • Select new station, ES hangs a little as it loads the new station config
  • set everything up
  • click on reconnect (target station was not online, switching from EDDV_GND to EDDV_TWR)
  • ES disconects and reconnects after 4 sec
  • ES gets disconnected with a server message “Invalid CID/password”
  • I have to reconnect manually

Is this a known issue where a workaround exists or can this be fixed in future versions?


Had this happen to me aswell today

If one needs to change URL parameters and disconnects the ATIS, sometimes the ATIS won’t connect again due to “wrong CID/password”. This cannot be fixed by reconnecting to the network - which weirdly works and doesn’t result in a “wrong CID/password” message from the server. Connecting ATIS only works again after a restart of EuroScope.