Creating a Sector File

Hello everyone, here in VATCOL we are now trying to create a new Sectorfile from 0 because the actual SCT is presenting issues, really out of dated and had a lot of syntax isses mostly in geo sections and lots of COPX COPN wrong definitions, just the 20% of the sector is funtional. Until today we already did the whole sectors definition in GNG but we dont know what should we do next.

-Which apps do you use to create airports?
-How can we create a new country line definition?
-If we want to create sweatbox scenarios what should we do in our new sector?
-What should we add on Sector for TopSky Plugin work nicely and wich other plugins do you recommend as essential plugins?
-What are the steps and requirements to make the VCCS Works in our sector.

Thanks a lot for those who can help me, answering any of that question.

Map coordinates with GoogleEarth Pro, convert into useable coordinates with the Euroscope Designer Tool, change into required format for GNG or the respective plugin that will end up using these coordinates with the Coordinates Converter (also very useful for putting coordinates from your AIP into the format you need).
Some data may also be available via your ANSP; some guys here are currently putting the finishing touches on a tool that will make it possible for us to almost automatically create ground layouts etc. based on data from our ANSP. Depending on how many airports you have and how prone they are to changes, this may be something worth looking into for your location as well if you have the manpower and expertise.

Not entirely sure what you mean - am I interpreting this correctly as “How can we draw a country border”?
If so, you can check if there is some database with official coordinates that you can use (EAD has data on this, but I’m not sure if it’s global or just Europe) or roughly trace them in GoogleEarth Pro just like you would do for a ground layout.

Not really sure what you mean with the first question, but regarding the second one, I think GRP is also a very crucial one to have.

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You have to have a customized TS3 server running, compiled from the TS3 SDK sources. Check this post for a solution i built for my vACC. It contains all sources needed to set up the server with the right configuration and run it as a docker container.

You may also use it as a guide if you prefer building your own solution.
After compiling, simply expose the container (or your custom solution for that matter) to the internet.
You can then just include the server URL in your sector file and that’s pretty much it.

For the docker, the build steps are included in the README on the GitLab Repository.

Provided you have a running server with docker on it, the whole deployment should not take more than a few minutes if you use the finished solution.

edit: about one other question you had:

-Which apps do you use to create airports?

we use qGIS for pretty much all the manual sector file labour, and a custom built (not by me, though) converter to get the shapes from GeoJSON to the ES sector file format. Then upload it to GNG where we generate the finished sector file for use by our controllers.

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