XPilot Crashes in 12.06b2 VR

Was flying tonight from KLAS to KDEN. A few seconds after getting a PDC message from the departure controller the sim crashed. I chalked the crash up to 12.06b2 and logged back in and restarted the flight.

While descending into KDEN approach a controller came online and sent a message. Within about 2 seconds of receiving the request to contact message the sim crashed out.

I logged in a third time and had a friend send me a .msg just to see if the crash was indeed related to messages and it crashed out a third time again a few seconds after the receipt of the message This was all while flying the Odyssey+ WMR HMD in VR. I can provide a log if that would be useful.

X-Plane Error

Please provide log and crash file.

Can’t paste the entire log here as it’s too long and doesn’t appear to be a way to attach text files. Went ahead and added a support thread in your discord for it. Thanks for checking!