Xpilot begins lagging/voice becomes broken after playing for a while

When I load up, xpilot works perfectly. After about a half hour of flight xpilot becomes laggy and begins to break up any voice communications. It happens every time I play. (Both my voice as well as the receiving voice is broken.) Especially when approaching an airport. When It first begins to happens if I keep xpilot visible it temporarily works normal but after a few mins it will begin to lag again and disconnect from the server. Restarting the program does not seem to help as it struggles to reconnect and continues to lag. Then suddenly it “catches up” its lag and runs perfectly again for a little while. I have clean installed, run as administrator and made xpilot high priority but nothing seems to work. If anyone can help in any way I would really appreciate it. It’s very frustrating….thanks for any help. If there is anything I can upload to help please let me know. I really appreciate it. :slight_smile: