Hello everybody !
I was wondering if it is possible to deactivate wake turbulence in x-pilot ?
Let me explain why.
I follow a twitch stream where we are crossing Africa with C172.
Recently a viewer thought it was funny to fly right in front of us with Hercule C130 and tried to crash our little C172 with his wake turbulence.
That’s why I was wondering if it is possible to deactivate wake turbulence in x-pilot the same way that we can reduce or cut the sound of his aircraft.
Thanks in advance
That sounds very much like a CoC violation. Wallop the pilot in question while it is happening or open a ticket at https://support.vatsim.net/ after the fact. You can also .ignore <callsign>
them so they won’t appear for you anymore, which would also eliminate the wake turbulence.
Thanks for the “ignore” solution, I will try that.
I thought about reporting this behavior however it won’t prevent other to do the same or him to create a new account and do it again.
Thank you for the help !
Have you considered flying an L-4 Grasshopper instead of the C172?
See The Story of the US Pilot Who Turned A Plane Into a Flying Tank During WW2 - World War Wings for an interesting way to equip it.
Probably a CoC issue, but you can always try it once and then ask for forgiveness.
Well the L-4 Grasshopper is way more lighter than the C172 so in my current situation, I’m pretty sure it will be worse. How ever I did try the Piper cub more fun for bush trip, but slower. (and no CSL for xpilot )
Concerning the CoC issue, of course it is, but I have another solution to not being bully than reporting the guys, I prefer it.
I think that it will have more impact on him if I remove the “fun” is having than just punishing him.
It absolutely will. We take deliberate acts of trolling and ruining other people’s experiences very seriously. We even have a dedicated article in our Code of Conduct for “streamsniping”/trolling livestreamers.
If you are looking for a technical solution, the X-Plane DataRef is sim/flightmodel/forces/wake_turbulence_effect
(X-Plane Datarefs - X-Plane Developer) and it would allow to disable or tone down the effect. It can be set/changed by any plugin (or by using DataRefTool).
.wallop and .ignore immediately there. Whenever stuff like that happens, be sure to screen record and note their CID as well, just in case a supervisor isn’t online. VATSIM has been swarming with pilots who treat the network like a GTA server lately.