Just starting to get back into vatsim and flightsims, haven’t flown since msfs2020 got fully released so was just wondering what everyones goto Sim now days is.
Used to play xp11, but with msfs graphics thinking might move over to that, but is xp12 comparable to msfs these days? not just graphics wise
I have switched from XP11 to MSFS2020 some time ago. I am at peace with its flight dynamics, being aware that they are not as good as X-Plane. The eye-candy and the availability of quality freeware addons win.
From what I have seen from friends who are using X-Plane 12, the graphics have improved a lot, the weather and sky look really nice, sometimes even better than in MSFS2020. Flight dynamics should be better as well, but I cannot judge this as I am not using X-Plane 12.
Huh, would you mind expanding on this? From what I read, the latest update to version X-Plane 12.10 seems to be well received. The sky colors and clouds are now equal or better to MSFS, from what I have seen. I am simply concentrating on one SIM (MSFS that is), because I am not willing to maintain more than one platform.
Welcome back to flight sims! MSFS 2020 brings breathtaking graphics, while X-Plane 12 offers realism and a strong community. It’s a tough choice, but both have their pros and cons. Happy flying!