Hi there! vPILOT not recognizing my microphone… all settings in Windows are OK and i can clearly use my mic on other apps and in general, but on vPILOT only i can hear the ATC but they cant hear me. In vPILOT settings , micrphone bar is not “jumping” when im talking…
Need some assistance ! thanks
To help us narrow down possibilities, what from the vPilot Tips, Tricks, FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide (vPilot Tips, Tricks, FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide - vPilot - VATSIM Community) have you already tried, and what were the results?
My vPilot js the latest version. Win11 with latests updates and also MSFS2020 with latest updates. I never had this problem with microphone, and im using the same mic, same headset and same PC like i did 9 months ago . But now, its not working even tho all options are good and Microphone privacy is allowed to use vPilot
i tried something from your link but its still same
SOLVED! i uninstalled my AntiVirus, (avast it was), and that one is blocking my audio. so no AV - SOUND IS ON Thank You all
Thanks for sharing. It helps me a lot.
im glad i could help