Vatsim support (missing airport)

Hi, recently I was flying to the airport located in Albania Kukes code LAKU. System accepted my flight plan but the destination was shown as Unknown. Attached picture shows the point where this airport is located.

Thank you!

VATSIM does not inject any scenery to your sim. Two factors are the sim database (you can add scenery from freeware sites) and AIRAC data (usually payWare subscription).

Which sim are you using?

This has nothing to do with the scenery. Simply by selecting flight plan you see the airport on the map in this case flight plan is accepted but on the map is just a point without the name like in another case

You are able to see VNKT airport and VEMN but not VNPR

This is an issue with Vattastic, you need to take it up with them, VATSIM does not control 3rd party software applications like this. They need to add the airport to their database.

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