Hello. I’m not sure how this is happening. But, here goes…
a) Prefile flight on Vatsim successfully
b) Connect on vPilot - no issues
c) Fire up Vatsim Radar on the browser
My settings are I’m connected to Vatsim and to follow me… etc…
Lately, my Vatsim Radar Info Tab only displays a complete Flight Plan sub tab and not a Flight Details sub tab.
Refreshing the browser page will FLASH the Flight Details sub tab before clearing the tab… almost like I’ve minimized the sub tab.
If I disconnect from the network via vPilot and wait a few minutes, I’ll see my callsign like i see everyone else’s. Clicking on my callsign will (now) correctly display a complete Flight Details and Flight Plan sub tabs.
The issue went away on it’s own a couple days ago. However, this morning, its back.
Any ideas?
Also, I’m often prompted to reload the page because of updates?
EDITED after most recent flight from 60J → KLWB
I’m going to assume (Ouch!!! I dislike that word!!!). Ok., I’m going to conclude that Vatsim Radar hits a brick wall when handling airports - typically flown by Part - 135 Operators.
Perhaps Simbrief Flight Planner does as well… but gets over the hurdle - gracefully?
In the recent flight above —> 60J Odell Williamson Municipal Airport departure airport (six zero juliet) to KLWB Greenbrier in West Virginia…, Simbrief adds the prefix K (kilo) to satisfy the 4-letter ICAO format making the departure airport ICAO = K60J. So far, so good. The simple routing DCT GSO then as filed works perfectly.
Flight plan filed on Vatsim successfully and off we go to look for a good turbine light off. NG% and ITT looks great.
Log in with vPilot? Yep! We’re golden. Wait a few minutes for the servers to refresh and presto! There we are sitting at Odell Williamson Municipal Airport in North Carolina.
Wait a minute! What just happened?
As I started this post, the Flight Details Tab on the Info Panel has just collapsed on itself. Only the Flight Plan Tab is visible.
Refreshing the browser merely flashes the Flight Details Tab’s information before collapsing once more. You guessed it! Rinse 'n Repeat.
IIRC. Vatsim Radar is an Open Source development Sim tool? If any Dev Team members should view this post, I think a further look into this issue could potentially make an already fabulous moving map Sim tool an indispensable option to Vatspy? “ImJessSain”.
Pilots flying Part - 121 airports may NEVER run into this issue when using Vatsim Radar.
Thank you,