Use of Simulator Acceleration/Deceleration Function on Vatsim

May I take this opportunity to remind everyone of the VATSIM Code of Conduct regulations with regard to the above?

B9 A pilot operating their simulator using acceleration/deceleration functions must continuously monitor their connection, and ensure that they do not cause disruptions to other account holders. If operating in actively controlled airspace, the pilot must have the express permission of the controller to operate using time acceleration/deceleration, and if a controller requests a pilot to return to ‘normal simulation rate’, the pilot shall immediately comply.

Importantly, when flying with no controllers online, pilots should monitor any potential traffic conflicts and avoid them by giving sufficient space. If you don’t do this, other aircraft receive TCAS warnings and commands to either CLIMB NOW or DESCEND NOW.

A further note: when using the accelerate/decelerate function you become transparent to other users - they cannot see you, so cannot take any prior avoiding action.

John Pettit
Chief Examiner

i would really like to see a rule change and just forbid acceleration completely if theres no ATC online. theres literally zero reason to be connected to the network when theres no atc and you’re going along at mach 6. monitor a 3rd party site for atc status and reconnect when you’re ready.