Could someone high up in VATSIM please give the latest word on the use of 122.80 please?
Code of Conduct says;
B5 Pilots flying through uncontrolled airspace shall monitor VHF radio frequency 122.800 or other designated “UNICOM” frequency until they come under air traffic control coverage. Where another pilot may benefit, a pilot shall transmit their intentions on the designated unicom frequency.
Its the final line. Last night I was at NZAA. I am in the airspace and can be seen. There were two other aircraft using AKL. One was landing, the other was at gate.
Neither of them broadcast on 122.80.
It was only because I did a finals lookout before I lined up to see the landing plane.
I was in an IFR circuit at 4,000ft and passing 5nm on ILS the other aircraft lined up.
I had given mulitple calls of my location downwind, turning base, becoming established on ILS.
Got to the point where I was 2nm and he hadn’t moved, then he went TOGA and departed.
Fom asking both via messaging why they weren’t talking on 122.80 they both said they were sending Texts on 122.80.
I use SWIFT but do not have the Text recieve function active. Mainly as I’ve been a pilot since NZ Summer 1986 and cannot believe a pilot can fly and send a text!
How easy is it to PTT on 122.80?
We have an unattended frequency real world in NZ - 119.10. Its for use by all aircraft at airfields/airports where there is no ATC.
Noone sends a message via AvPlan or another client. They open their mouths after pressing the PTT button!
I would have thought last night that I was ‘the other pilot that may benefit’!
I cant seem to find a ruling on use of 122.80.
Fall back to CoC seems to be the answer. But in 2023 with busy skies at times - VATNZ gets mad busy at times! - there needs to be a ruling from Board re the use of 122.80.
In CoC it says; ‘a pilot shall transmit their intentions on the designated unicom frequency.’
Not what TRANSMIT means. A text is a transmission!
Someone please?
Regards from me Down Under in Middle Earth!