Unable to Get Comms to Work in Vpilot and on MSFS 2020

Hey guys,

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to get my comms to work on vpilot and in game. When I load up the game and vpilot everything goes well but when I switch to a specific frequency which is occupied by a controller, the frequency just stays grey on vpilot. I uninstalled everything and reinstalled it to see if there was something wrong with my files but I am still having the same problem. Also, I have watch a bunch of videos regarding VATSIM and when seeing people go through their settings on vpilot, when they get to the MSFS portion of the settings, they get a message saying results: xxx models found, xx recognized but I am only getting the models found portion. I’m not sure if this is the root cause of my problem but everywhere I look I just keep getting more confused. Appreciate the help!

What steps from the vPilot Tips, Tricks, FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide have you already tried, and what were the results?

I have tried the troubleshooting regarding running vpilot as an admin, making sure my radios are on in the plane as well as making sure my audio devices are set up correctly. None of those steps fixed the problem and my comms are still grey on vPilot.

Can you please confirm that you were connected to the network when you say everything gray?

In vPilot settings, can you confirm that you have a valid input and output device selected?

Is the behavior same with all aircraft, including default aircraft?

Have you tried ensuring it’s not an issue with your antivirus blocking vPilot?