Lately I’ve been having an issue with Vpilot and losing audio with Vatsim. Doing YSSY-RJTT currently and I’ve had to close and reopen Vpilot 3 times to have ATC audio restored. I have not received the disconnected from voice server error.
I am currently with AYPM control and he reports I’m still visible on radar but can’t hear me despite being able to transmit.
Would this be a possible bandwith or connection issue?
Maybe the port isn’t open and it blocks on a time segment. It has been known over the years that some ports and software need to allow applications to communicate two ways.
Since 2 weeks or so I am experiencing a loss of my transmission channel.
I can still receive but I am not heard. Only after reconnecting to vPilot it’s working again.
This happened to me now during the last 3 flights. Fortunately always in the first minutes after connecting to the vPilot server and not during flight.