Radio Frequency Issue

I fly the Flight Factor 767 and the other day decided to fly in Europe. Was unable to communicate as the frequencies for example was 118.625 whereas the 767 COMM1 radio only permitted 118.630. I read through some of the posts, but did not see a solution to my issue. Any assistance is appreciated - Thank you.

Two possibilities: type .com1 118.625 into the entry line in your pilot client, or rightclick on the frequency in the frequency list in xpilot and select tuen com 1 to frequency option. Im not 100% sure though if the second option works with xpilot, I know it does with vpilot.

Some aircraft also have settings to switch between 25khz and 8.33 khz spacing of their radios, not sure though about the ff 767

Edit: aparently the 767 does support 8.33khz radio spacing so I would look within the settings of its tablet to enable it

There is an option in the EFB to switch between a 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz radio. However if you have an old (~2018) version of the aircraft it only has a 25 kHz radio.

Right clicking the frequency in xPilot does work, as does tuning with the .com1 command.

Bear in mind that on the earlier versions of the FF 8.33 kHz radio if you select channel 118.630 the radio will actually tune frequency 118.625. Likewise if you select .005 it will tune .000. This is not a bug, that’s how a real 8.33 kHz radio works.

The problem is that VATSIM and some other networks treat .000/.005, .625/.630, etc as separate frequencies. Most aircraft developers have worked around this but not all.

Thank you, issue resolved by selecting the 8.33 kHz radio option in the electronics flight bag. Cheers!

Thank you Louis, issue resolved in the electronic flight bag by selecting the 8.33 kHz radio option…


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