Question about identification marks

In real life, OCAO states that when the first character of an identification after the country reference starts with a letter, a dash be prefixed to it.

As to avoid confusion with multi-letter country code.

So N9568 is correct and F-BHPE is correct too.

When writting a flight plan, we remove the dash, so FBHPE.
But why can’t connect using an identification F-BHPE

because no flightplan has the dash on it

While it’s true that you should omit the dash when filling out a flight plan as required, it can still feel strange to re-identify your plane differently in vPilot just to match the flight plan.

In my case, my actual callsign is the same as my plane identification, which includes the dash, as is required in French conditions for light aircraft.

Consistency is important for safety and clarity in air traffic control, which is why I prefer to use my actual callsign whenever possible.

I hope that clarifies my position.


You can connect with F-BHPE, but if you have filed as FBHPE it won’t pick up the filed flight plan. It’s not hard to understand and not hard to connect with callsign as filed.

The first character doesn’t have to be a letter. It can be a number.

I would appreciate it if someone who has been involved in the decision-making process could explain the reasoning behind the current system. I’m not looking to criticize or change anything just yet, but rather to gain a better understanding of how things work.

I have successfully filed a flight plan and flown the route, so I’m not experiencing any issues with the system. Thank you for taking the time to assist new users.

Just to clarify, I didn’t mean to suggest that the first character of the full identification can’t be a number. I’m sorry if my message was unclear.

Thank you for sharing the example “2-SLOW”.

It seems that “2-SLOW” follows the regulations, with “SLOW” being the identification and prefixed with a dash because the first character is a letter, and “2” referring to the state “Bailiwick of Guernsey (United Kingdom)” as specified in the regulations.

I appreciate the information you’ve shared. I’ve edited the first message to add “after the country reference” to prevent misunderstand.

What a discussion. It is what it is. IRL we “login” without a dash. We also connect as DLH1234 and not as DLH-1234.

It has been defined to be like this, we do it. It is also funnier to connect as DILDO instead of D-ILDO.

I’m a bit puzzled as to why you seem to be suggesting that I should simply “deal with” the issue I raised, rather than waiting for a more appropriate or relevant response from someone else who might be better equipped to address it.

Could you please clarify your intentions, as I would appreciate any help you can offer in resolving this matter?

If you are unable to offer assistance to someone, it may be best to refrain from making statements on the matter, particularly if it is intended to belittle or criticize the person.

PS: In real life, appart from filling a flight plan which takes a few minutes at worst, I do “login” with the dash. (random plane on google =>


Also, sometime, the dash changes everything, as you stated for D-ILDO

delete due duplicate post

There’s no point @810809 , I gave up on this and other topic.
Just ignore I guess, instead of losing hairs over it

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you already received an answer. ICAO Flight plan has no dash in it, as per the rules of FPL completion, the pilot software serves as a bridge to connect to the network and correlate your FPL to the connection.
If the FPL has no dash, you need to connect the same way for the FPL to correlate.

And if you don’t think this is a “valuable input” because you don’t accept the answer, then the problem is not on my side…


Your “valuable input” is simply not one.
You don’t realize it because you’re so used to something you can’t even broader your point of view nor you want to.

You’re talking about something that sound very highly coupled on a simple string while not having the actual knowledge of the code to be able to make such statement.

And even if it was, indeed, highly coupled as it sound. As others have said it, “it’s not that hard” to make a string replace to remove the dash when looking for a corresponding flight plan.

I’m looking for the actual reason the developer took that direction in the opposite of the actual simulation of “real life”.

I’m still trying to graps why you want to push a wrong answer at all cost, there are others post needing attention that haven’t had the chance to get a single answer, go for them.

In the end, you get what you really wanted in the first place, that is to kill this topic, as there is no chance now it’ll receive the actual answer from the correct person it needed in the first place. Refrain from posting next time if you don’t have the answer.

Edit: this post was definitely more frank since you don’t seem to understand the sugar coating…

You are trolling us, please stop it.

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You are trolling me with your lack of basic understanding of things here.

To make a comparison, if the point of my message was in Russia, Siberia, you’re currently surfing on the coast of Cuba right now.
That’s how far all of you three answers have been so far to the point.

I didn’t ask for support from you but from the developers.

I already stated in my own original post why it currently works this way, for the flight plan at least, and that part is correct as part of ICAO rules. I never denied this, if you think I do, please use a translator or use ChatGPT to try and understand my post.

The problem is the identification part and if you still don’t understand the problem, don’t try to act like you know and try to help.

Identification on PAPER or ELECTRONIC FLIGHT PLAN, no dashes. Yes.

Identification on the plane documents, the plane left side, the plane under-wing, all have dashes [if the identification part start with a letter, and I am not talking about the country reference once again for people who are slow…]. It’s not so hard to understand that when you fly an actual plane in real life, you NEVER see the « no-dash » identification appart from the few minutes it takes you to fill a flight plan, which, you rarely even do when flying VFR [unless crossing a border, flying over water if distance to shore is higher than glide distance or 10x bla-bla-bla…]

You didn’t even grasp my original message and think you’re well placed to answer on it. You are effectively trolling.

If everyone took « it’s not that hard » at every little incoherence or blockade to advancement, you’d still be trading with sea-shells for food or basic services. You wouldn’t have modern society as we know it nor a computer to simulate a plane, well, planes wouldn’t have been invented yet.

So stop the conservative approach and step aside, thank you.

Honestly, a fix for this subtle issues is 5 minutes of code to add a string replace to the area that matters to you for FlightPlan/ATC purpose, and it’s clear that the developer was situated in a country where there are no dashes, like USA numeric format.