If this has been answered somewhere please forgive me. But ive noticed that I do not get PDCs when I use smaller jets like the hondajet or the vision g2 even when i prefile a simbrief FP. Every time I use one of these aircraft and contact atc, I get a verbal FP from atc, which is almost always different from the one I create in simbrief. Both of these aircraft can fly high altitude and have all the necessary IFR equipment so just wondering if there is some specific reason I’m not getting PDCs with these and only get them for airliners.
You’ll have to be a bit more specific on where in the world you’re talking about. The answer varies greatly based on where you’re asking about.
In the US, PDC is only available at certain airports. It has nothing to do with whether or not you file with SimBrief. Smaller airports generally do not have the capability to issue PDCs and the USA controller client simulates this limitation, the controller does not have the ability to use PDCs at an airport not capable. Some controllers may also elect to issue voice clearances as preference (or for training or proficiency). Also remember that flight plans are a plan, ATC may make changes to that plan for a number of reasons (wx, capacity, preferred routes, sop, etc) at any point during the flight.
Being IFR capable is separate from being able to accept a PDC. Not all IFR capable aircraft can accept one. Real world, in today’s technology age, PDC capability can be equipped in some shape or form for all aircraft, including small single engine piston aircraft.
Note there is a FP field which indicates how you would like to receive your clearance, though not simulated on the network to my knowledge.
Thank you for providing this clarity. For context the airport in question was KDPA(Dupage, IL). Was avoiding the larger airports using a smaller aircraft so what your saying makes sense. Thanks again for the reply.
These days, it’s really an ATC limitation, not an aircraft limitation that determines whether or not a PDC is even capable of being sent. As Nick said, any aircraft, provided they have the right equipment or correct subscription, can receive a PDC, but if the airport itself doesn’t have the capability to send one, you’re going to have to use that radio. That’s the case with KDPA.
As far as routing is concerned, that will get changed, if necessary, regardless of how you obtain your clearance–and it’s worth mentioning here that all pilots should read their PDCs very carefully to ensure they have the correct routes set up in their aircraft once they get their clearances.
Thanks for sharing. It helps me a lot.