Operation Deep Freeze 2023-2024 Hosted by the vUSAF

The VSO community would like to announce that Operation Deep Freeze 2023-2024 has Begun. Operation Deep Freeze is one of VATSIMs and the Vatsim Special Operations(VSO) communities longest-running yearly events.

Operation Deep Freeze, a cornerstone of the USAP, supports U.S. scientific research in Antarctica and manages logistics in the challenging environment of the Antarctic continent and the Southern Ocean. This mission involves the transportation of cargo, personnel, supplies, and equipment, making it a vital endeavor for the scientific community. The event host a variety of countries and aircraft type. The event includes custom sceneries that allow for a multitude of landing challenges and procedures as well as flying into some new places that are not on the beaten path.

If this sounds like an opportunity that you may be interested in, and as this unique and exciting experience is only allowed by a certified VSO, please to reach out to one of our many talented groups of people, and find one that may suit your needs or participating in this event today to join. You can find the list here under the Special Operations tab https://my.vatsim.net/virtual-airlines.


COMMENCEMENT: 1st November 2023

WINFLY: 27th November 2023 – 24th December 2023

MAIN BODY: 25th December 2023 – 22nd January 2024

re-DEPLOYMENT: 23rd January 2024 – 25th February 2024
