As many users have noticed, swift 0.12.2 will stop working at the end of this month. There is now a new beta version, swift 0.12.48 (this was the previous alpha version). Thanks for your patience
There is also a new alpha version 0.12.72 with the following changes: Fixed crash with “CG must not be negative” message. Fixed ATC seeing the wrong altitude of pilots using X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020.
Users of X-Plane 12 and of MSFS2020 should use the ALPHA version now as it fixes the wrong altitude being reported to ATC and other aircraft. The deviation can be quite significant.
And we have another ALPHA release of swift, version 0.12.92. I suggest everyone get it!
The main changes of this ALPHA are:
Fix failing data updates from an outdated server
Allow tuning frequencies within the 8.33 kHz spacing. For simulators that do not support 8.33 kHz frequencies, they must be selected through the GUI
The previous alpha version 0.12.72 will switch to beta state.
You can update/download ALPHA versions now through swiftLAUNCHER as well. In the section “Check for updates” simply change the “Channel” from BETA to ALPHA and go ahead with “download”. X-Plane users must not forget to also update xswiftbus.
If you encounter any difficulties, please reach out on our Discord server (preferred!), or here on the forums.