[Jan 18th 2025] Cross Africa 2025 - Northbound

Cross Africa - Event Announcement

It’s that time once more. We’re happy to announce Cross Africa will be returning once again for the 2025 calendar year, with the first edition on the 18th January 2024!

All of the latest information regarding Cross Africa can be found in our dedicated: Discord

VATSSA, Maghreb vACC, Egypt vACC and North East Africa vACC are thrilled to invite all pilots to embark on this spectacular journey across the breathtaking African continent.

Like all editions before, you have the option to choose your preferred path across the continent. Maybe a long haul from the south, starting in either Johannesburg, Mauritius or Cape Town? Or, a stopover in Lagos, Nairobi or Addis Ababa, before making your way up to the north of the continent? And like before, you can have two bookings (one from either Johannesburg, Mauritius & Cape Town, and another from Lagos, Nairobi, Addis Ababa or Luanda).

How about you get your hands on the bookings slots now? :eyes:
Bookings (by Origin) :point_down:
Johannesburg, Mauritius, Cape Town
Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Luanda and Lagos


Enfidha - DTNH
Cairo - HECA
Addis Ababa - HAAB
Nairobi - HKJK
Dakar - GOBD
Lagos - DNMM
Cape Town - FACT
Johannesburg - FAOR
Mauritius - FIMP
Luanda - FNLU

Hitsquad Controllers

Like the last edition of Cross Africa, we will be opening up the option for hitsquad controllers to join the roster, and use their expertise to help a lending hand in the vast continent of Africa! If you wish to volunteer and provide support across the event, make sure to join our hitsquad team! Application

We look forward to welcoming everyone to the vast continent of Africa once more, and we look forward to building on the success of our last editions!

See you high above Africa’s awe-inspiring landscapes!

Cross Africa, Mother Of All Lands

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Looks like booking is closed. There are a lot of unfilled slots will you reopen booking?

Should be reopened. Not sure how or why they closed.