Issue Downloading LUVCARS 5

Hello everyone, I’m somewhat new to VATSIM and recently joined a VA. Specifically, Southwest Virtual Airlines. I figured that this would be the best way to communicate since I don’t really use any social media.
So, I tried downloading their FSUIPC 7 and LUVCARS 5 files from SVA’s official website to get myself set for some flights. However, I ran into some major problems with those files. I got error messages saying that the installer was corrupt. I’m not sure if it was my end or if the links used from the website were bad.
If anyone had a similar issue and found a solution, I’m more than willing to listen. Thanks everyone.


I’d suggest you contact your VA for assistance. There are slightly over a million people on this forum, but very few comparatively that are part of SWVA that could offer guidance on a SWVA ACARS… :slight_smile: My guess is that you should have much better luck asking for assistance within the VA.

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