Freeze on ATIS saving

I’m just trying to get back into controlling and I launched VatSys to try and log on as TCU. When I save the ATIS though the whole thing froze. My positional screens were still updating but I couldn’t click on anything and no interactions worked

I’m running Windows 11 but I’ve run VatSys on this system before so I’m not sure remotely what’s happening. I’ve had no major system changes that I can think of Only that I hadn’t updated Vatsys since roughly July (I had the 2407 profile) so it was something since then?

Is there any way to test that by downloading an old version of Vatsys?

I suspect has something to do with one of these

|2024-08-06|Send NewAtis message on connect|

|2024-08-04|Use token auth for ATIS connections|

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Hi James. I’m having exactly the same issues when saving an ATIS message. Have you had any progress in getting this fixed. I think its something to do with the MS Voices? The Manual recording seems to work better but also crashes the session

Hi James I think I solved my Issue

I went to this site
vatSys Download (Public Beta)

And downloaded the TTS Voices Tool

It seemed to fix the issue and the session does not freeze now after saving the ATIS.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: