I am a VATSIM member since 2021; did not fly fly that much, but, i think, I havbe a couple of hours.
When I look into my profile at https://my.vatsim.net/profile there I have the rating “New Member (NEW)”.
Sop I guess this will change to the next level after a certain time of flying on the network and my number of hours are too low for that.
Is there a place where I can see how many logged hours of flying I have?
No, the pilot rating is “new member” for everybody who hasn’t either transferred their real world pilot license or gone through training with an approved vATO, cf. here.
I am too stupid for the site-navigation on VATSIM.
I did not find the statistics site from any user-dashboard or general site; I even needed a long time to find THIS forum again. I had to google it. There is no link on the main page.
I really wonder why it is hidden so hard…