Flight sim yoke query

Does any member use the ’ Honeycomb Aeronautical Alpha Flight Controls Yoke & Switch Panel in aviation quality for flight simulators | Universal control system and does it need a separate throttle quadrant?

Which one exactly?

This one specifically?

If yes: you will need a separate throttle quadrant.

@810809 I don’t have it, so I don’t completely know the answer to this question, but, just to clarify, you don’t truly need the throttle quadrant to use the yoke, right? You can still use the computer keyboard if you really want to?

(That said, if I’m using a yoke, I’m going to be using a throttle quadrant too! :slight_smile: )

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Correct. I own the original Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and technially you don’t need a throttle quadrant, but… I guess the question of the OP was directed towards whether this product came with some kind of throttle control/lever, or not. The answer is short: it does not.

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thanks for your replies. Another question…
As the throttle and yoke have numerous assignments, is there any need for FSUIPC ?

I personally use spadnext. An oddity about the HC Alpha/Bravo that can cause issues depending on how you set up your sim is that the switches don’t operate like on other hardware where you get a single signal when you flick the switch - these fire a continuous signal while the switch is in the either position. With spadnext you can change that so that the sim only gets a single signal, not sure if you can also do that with FSUIPC.
Otherwise it’s pretty much plug and play after you have set up the control settings to your preferences.

For those who would like to stay with freeware, check out MobiFlight + Arduino + Your Favorite Flight Simulator = Your Home Cockpit!
It does come with a wealth of aircraft function presets (through Hubhop) that can be accessed directly within the MobiFlight interface. It is pretty easy to create button mappings, I am using MobiFlight with the FlyByWire A320Neo and the iniBuilds A310, because through the standard MSFS menu you are not able to access all cockpit functions. I am using a Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, a Thrustmaster TCA Airbus stick, a simply Saitek throttle quadrant and a set of Virpil rudder pedals.

Regarding FSUIPC: for some things the free version of FSUIPC may be good to have. I do some programs that need it to extract data from MSFS.