Fails to load .dll

About a month ago, ES started to have issues loading in .dll files that are native to our region. I’ve done 3 entire uninstall (eradicating anything that was Euroscope) and installing as per the documents. I’ve installed the dll first, then the sector files, and vise versa to no avail. The dll in question will not load in. I’ve ask for assistance from the facility engineer and other gurus but without any luck. Hence I’m casting a wider net. I haven’t been able to get online for a while now, and I’m going into DTs. Help.

ES 3.2.9, Win10,

Jim Allan

For reference:

This is the CANscope project website: VATCAN - CANscope
Unfortunately the code is not on Github, just the compiled binaries: GitHub - VATSIMCanada/CANscope: CANscope

So, the plugin has not seen a recent update? Likely it is no longer compatible with the latest ES version and would need to be updated. I’ve noticed a similar issue for a testing plugin I use. Compare your ES version with other controllers where this plugin does work. If other controllers can use the same ES version with this plugin, make sure you have the latest C++ redistributable package from Microsoft ( If this doesn’t help, try to install a previous version from