Euroscope V3.2.2

New version out. Thank you GC for your development!

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According to the discussions in the VATEUD discord, ATIS maker urls without the letters won’t allow to send the ATIS request.

ATIS update messages to other controllers are still duplicated (you get two messages with the same content right after each other). The same happens to function calls by plugins originating from edit fields (OpenPopupEdit). There is no issue when you send a fixed value (as it is also the case for the ATIS message). But it causes issues when the function called uses a logic based on dynamic values.
Example: a function toggling ADES and alternate. Using such a function regularly will show no change, because ADES and alternate are initially changed, but because the function is then called again, they are immediately switched back.
This is only one example of an issue that is around for quite some time. I’m sure it’s only a minor logic thing somewhere in the core which could potentially solve a number of resulting issues (maybe even some where the relation is not that obvious).

Adding some long-lasting issues to the list of fixes required:

  • The value m_ShowTsVccsMiniControl in the screen setting file is always reset to 0 when ES is closed (regardless of the actual state of the mini control). ES changes this value regardless of any related user intervention.
  • The visibility of list items with no click function assigned & the when the tag item is the call sign cannot be set to hidden. The corresponding entry is available in the list of the “F” menu, but deselection is not possible.
  • Re-implement the sorting algorithm to put fields with values always on top (handle with lowest priority if the item is empty). This would help for example for the ground status list, where the sorting is already complicated because it depends on the text only and not an underlying priority number. But if you use the sequence number for sorting instead, all aircraft without a sequence number will be displayed before those with a number.

With v3.2.3 you should be able to use functions without letters.

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While we are at it,
Could we make the ATIS letter a data field that all controllers and plugins can see? I know this has been a request in TS and it makes sense as an ACC or APP to see ATIS letters from airports that you hadn’t connected the atis for. Also, ATIS code in PDC anyone?

Right now, the the only way the get this data is through the vatsim-data.json which is complete overkill.

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Plugin interface improvements would definitely be highly appreciated as well. Here is my wish list :smiley:

  • Set the ground state flag (currently this value can only be read)
    Use case: implementation of datalink clearance where the flag is set automatically when confirmation is received
  • Allow to compose messages in the entry field of the command line, extending the ES default options for auto… messages
    Use case: Add autotext messages for specific (plugin created) actions when the selected pilot is text only
  • Provide the status of a SCT file entry (active or not)
    Use case: Toggle the display of specific entries (with functions, or commands) like MRVA, airspaces, terminal procedures etc. This is not possible today because the initial state of a SCT entry is not known. Therefore toggling is only possible for a specific item after a first explicit display/hide action by the plugin. And even then, the status is still not known to other plugins.
  • Provide all details/fields of the ESE file in existing/new functions
    Use case: Customized SID/STAR lists indicating unavailable entries (due to meteo factors, airspace assignment, etc.), using the controllers radio call sign for CPDLC (composing a text message for the frequency transfer including the call sign from the ESE list)
  • Possibility to receive ES version information (both from the local instance and from other controllers)
    Use case: plugin compatibility checks
    The local instance version is required to adapt a plugin behaviour depending on the changes to the core functionalities. This would be a very handy method to ensure compatibility because you can always check the “minimum required ES version” for a plugin. Client information of other controllers can already be received via the .inf command. But it would be very helpful to access this information, too. Mainly to check what data can be exchanged/accepted by the other client.
  • Provide plugin list items
    Use case: cooperation/interaction between plugins could be improved if data is available of the plugins loaded in the current instance. This could also allow a single plugin to make checks about the version/compatibility of all plugins.

Here’s some bigger ones that are out of reach for plugins:

Mirrored connection
Use case: Groundworks for a coordinator position whereby the connecting party sees the traffic just like the source controller. It works mostly like a non-local proxy connection (but with an extra connection/callsign to the network). Could also be handy for observing.

Tag positioning awareness
Use case: Anti-overlap logic for tags.

Native insets
Use case: Little windows of other asr files (VRC style) for better monitoring. Or even just to make it easier to have multiple ASRs on one screen without having the whole ES top and bottom bars as you would now with the current ‘‘screen position window/menu’’.

Question, any update on the condition line? COPX feature request - EuroScope - VATSIM Community

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And to jump in the request wagon, middle mouse click actions would be amazing!

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When opening an proxy connection to a 2nd EuroScope window mid-session, it will not carry over data such as CFL, assigned squawk, ground state etc.

Example - Left one is main ES and the other is proxy connection.
(Data input excisting in proxy one is data added after proxy connection was opened)

Hi! I tried using $atisairport, but it is unable to extract the function names from the URL.

Error: Unable to extract function names from URL:

Can you copy the whole ATIS maker URL.

Something like:$arrrwy($atisairport)&dep=$deprwy($atisairport)&metar=$metar($atisairport)&info=$atiscode

It looks OK in my side.
I had problems when the METAR was not available or the dep/arr RWY was not selected for the airport.

Not working here

ATIS maker URL:$arrrwy($atisairport)&dep=$deprwy($atisairport)&metar=$metar($atisairport)
Extracted URL:

ES still cannot extract the function names, but the extracted URL works fine if used in a browser.

It is really strange that you have the error message while the URL itself is extracted well.
Does it work with $atisairportA value?

Yes, when using the $atisairportA value, it works again.

Is there any solution regarding having two different ATIS letters when running seperate DEP and ARR ATIS? Currently the METAR list can only display one.

Edit: Seemingly neither the DEP or ARR ATIS seems to be sending any ATIS letters to neighbouring possitions?


Is there a need for this restriction that DEL can not open an ATIS?


As @1158939 confirmed, my ATIS URL was:$arrrwy($atisairport)&dep=$deprwy($atisairport)&metar=$metar($atisairport)&info=$atiscode

For the sake of clarity, I made sure only one airport was currently active. Alas, the same error occurs. :thinking: