Hi Gergely,
Looks absolutely fantastic! One point though: Line 75 of EuroScopePlugInIFlightPlanControllerAssignedData.h, virtual std :: string GetValueAsSting
should be virtual std :: string GetValueAsString
Hi Gergely,
Looks absolutely fantastic! One point though: Line 75 of EuroScopePlugInIFlightPlanControllerAssignedData.h, virtual std :: string GetValueAsSting
should be virtual std :: string GetValueAsString
Thanks for sharing! I start with feedback for the EuroScopePlugInIFlightPlanControllerAssignedData.
I see that approach types are introduced. In our sector file provider GNG, the following list of types is provided, replicating the ARINC capabilities:
A = Approach Transition
B = Loc Back Course
L = Localizer
I suggest to use (parts of) this list for the types.
Is it possible to have LandingClearanceReceived flag added? Our vACC plugin currently does this via the cleared altitude and uses values 3 & 4 (cleared APCH, cleared visual APCH). But since this will not be supported, a separate flag similar to the ClearenceReceived one would be nice.
For the ground states I suggest the following additions: OnFreq, Clearance, Crossing (RWY, outbound), De-icing, Crossing (RWY, inbound). Can you think about a possibility to have all corresponding requests recorded (from any ground state), too? So that “pilots requesting clearances” or “pilots requesting taxi” can be recorded in the system? This could be helpful especially for the departure states like clearance, pushback or taxi, which need to be delayed sometimes due to traffic, the number of requests or priorities.
virtual std :: string GetEuroScopeVersion () const noexcept = 0 ;
enum class ERadarStates
virtual IFlightPlanRouteSptr GetProbingRoute ( IFlightPlanRouteSptr priorRoute, std :: string_view pointName, int clearedAltitude ) const noexcept = 0 ;
enum class EControllerAssignedValues
enum class EGroundStates
enum class ECoordinationTypes
virtual std :: string GetSidName () const noexcept = 0 ;
virtual std :: string GetStarName () const noexcept = 0 ;
virtual std :: string GetDepartureRwy () const noexcept = 0 ;
virtual std :: string GetArrivalRwy () const noexcept = 0 ;
virtual void SendPlugInToPlugInMessage ( CPlugInBaseSptr sender, CPlugInBaseSptr target, std :: string_view message ) = 0 ;
I am sorry missing the whole September. Also thank you for the sugesstions. I will answer them in the next days.
I had some progress with the x64 version (it is running), and I made some suggestion on how to change FSD to support all the API functions.
No. The coordination dos not use the FP. It is a direct controller to controller message. Only the two parties will see it. On the other hand controller assigned data will be published to all controllers. It will be available for everyone.
I am also thinking about a new “planning controller” position. This position will receive coordination data too.
“Part of” the list matches the enum at EApproachTypes. Is there any that I should add?
I would be happy not to use A, B, C or D in the enum, but the more readable name.
I added LandingClearenceReceived.
Of course, I just added the letters for the full reference. IGS is definitely one that I’m missing and that we are using (LSGS, LSZA). I don’t know why there is a separate entry for LNAV, as this is part of the RNP APCH. SRA could be added too (the 2D kind equivalent of PAR for civil). Is ASR something similar? I’ve never hear of an approach type ASR. RNP AR also doesn’t necessarily require a separate entry in my opinion. If there were different RNP approaches, they would be differentiated with a letter. BTW: a curved segment (RF) requires an RNP AR, but an APCH can also qualify as RNP AR without such a segment.
Hello Gergely,
Could you please consider:
Is it possible to modify FSD to retrieve given user TAS/IAS/Mach or at least his/her sim’s wind/OAT?
If there was such an upgrade, also elements for mode S ELS & EHS (Mode S | SKYbrary Aviation Safety) should be considered to introduce the simulation of mode S downlink capabilities.
This is exactly why am I asking for
Unfortunately, this is something VATSIM FSD devs needs to implement first, which I assume Gregely does not work on. We have been asking this for years now… So I wouldnt count on it
I don’t think Tech guys get on the forums that often. From what I remember, some of the Tech team is working on a rewrite of FSD, so I imagine they are investing their time in the new, not trying to improve the old, especially with the risk of unintentional breakage due to its age and “spaghetti” code.
Also, I was just informed that different aircraft use different variables for each of those fields, so it’s very complicated to pull that information correctly in a consistent way.
If FSD would fetch this data, there would be an incentive to standardise these variables fields among developers. Even if it would only work on new aircraft, that would already be awesome. Backwards compatability would be difficult, but thats fine.
So i hope vatsim gives devs this incentive soon, or at least discuss a standard with plane devs so they can start building their planes accordingly. I assume a lot of new planes are in the makes for msfs2024 so…
What’s worth mentioning that it’s not necessary to be a mandatory data pull. Just like in real life not all aircrafts are ewuipepd with EHS, this can be a optional field to download IF aircraft/pilot client is enabled/allowed/supported. Also, i.e. wind data shall be accessible via xuipc/fsuipc, as well as some other data, that can help in calculating estimate of the fields asked.
A long time ago i made a proof of concept which someone turned into a plugin that gives you calculated mach/ias.
Topsky already integrates this natively now
Yes but that’s based on fed weather data. Pulling data from the sim of the user would give you accurate for the given Traffic.
Any ETA of the new ES and API @904331 ?