Does Flight sim have to be open while controlling?

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if to control on vatsim you need to have MSFS open or if you can control from the vatsim applications only. I’m also still in training so what software do you recommend I get? I believe there are several options.

No, completely stand alone clients are used for controlling. Some had the need for a FS to use Tower mode (visual view of air field). Your local training region should be able to step you through the process.

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Aren’t there several clients to use for ATC? If there are which one do you recommend?

The one that is used in the place where you train to become a controller.

As Lars said, it would be important to use the one supported by the region in which you intend to train/operate in. Most list them on their local website and in their training material. There are several, but no use using one that you don’t have the sector files for.