DNS lookup error xpilot

Dear community,

I´ve run into the same error as posted by another user:

Without changing any setting, the following error message comes up once I try to connect to the network:
[11:51:02] Connecting to network…
[11:51:02] Network server address returned null, possibly due to a failed DNS lookup.

Last time I used xpilot, everything worked fine.

Does so have a solution?

thx in advance!
Peter Jan

Hello! Have you solved this problem? I have the exact same one!!

@1805211 can you join the xPilot Discord and give the version I posted in this link a try?

same here

same problem

Question to those that say “same here/problem”, have you sought help on the Developer’s Discord as linked above? What were the results from what you discovered on Discord? Although it may be mildly interesting to know multiple people are encountering the same issue, it’s much more insightful/impactful for you to share what the issue and resolution is/was.