CTAF Trial - Feedback Needed

Dear VATSIM Members,

Since March 1st, 2024, VATUSA has been trialing the use of real-world Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) . As we near the end of this trial, we need your feedback to help us evaluate its effectiveness.

Why Your Feedback Matters:
• Evaluate the transition from UNICOM to CTAF
• Assess the clarity and accessibility of provided information
• Understand any communication issues or areas for improvement

Please take a moment to complete our feedback form : https://forms.gle/hzJQ4F5JBFa7FQ798 Your input is crucial for enhancing the realism and safety of our virtual skies.

Thank you for your support!

The feedback form hangs after the Large Airport page. The next button stays on that page and there is no submit or other option except the back button. Using Firefox.

Please try using another browser / incognito mode.

Using Edge worked. Incognito on either browser did not help. Thanks.