When might we start seeing CPDLC utilized in the USA? Most of the USA is covered IRL, with the remaining sectors slated to be operational Septemebr 2024 - April 2025.
I enjoy using CPDLC in VATEUD, hoping VATUSA will adopt it here soon.
When might we start seeing CPDLC utilized in the USA? Most of the USA is covered IRL, with the remaining sectors slated to be operational Septemebr 2024 - April 2025.
I enjoy using CPDLC in VATEUD, hoping VATUSA will adopt it here soon.
Just to clarify that it is the controller’s choice to enable it. In that case it will be announced in their controller info. But yes, it is supported by many CTR (and DCL/PDC by some airport) controllers in Europe.
I’d like to see VATSIM start to require it from controllers. A couple reasons why:
Makes a more immersive environment that simulates real world ops
GREAT communication tool especially when CTR is controlling top-down at busy airports, and you’re at 320 and wanna climb 360 but can’t get a request in because of the busy radio
This last reason is PURELY selfish LOL…I’m tired of paying for $90 addons that have CPDLC functionality that I can never use
I really would like to see this implemented NOTE. Usually when I request CPDLC I get a flat out “no” from the controller. I’m not sure what is required to logon from a controller’s end, but it sure seems no one [controllers] is interested in it
I asked around some Discord channels and ended up talking to some of VATSIM staff.
What I was told is it’s coming, but it’s still in development. They don’t want to have to rely on a third party for it (I.e. Hoppie) and are creating their own CPDLC system to integrate.
So hopefully soon!
I’m all for that! with the exception…I actually get to use the aircraft’s ACARS system for it and not private messages like the so-called PDC…which is just a private message that doesn’t interact with the aircraft itself in any way.
Using CPDLC through a pvt message system really won’t be immersive (IF that’s the “model” in development) I guess we will see what comes about!