This plugin is designed to support controllers of the VATSIM network when assigning a squawk to aircraft, also especially when the local prescribed squawk ranges are exhausted. The web-based part of the application is acting as the central interface to manage all squawk assignments and will also find alternative, non-used squawks outside the preferential range. Local ops/tech staff may define and fine tune the rule setting for the squawk assignment to comply with regional and local squawk ranges and schemes. This collaboration is done by issue reporting on github. This plugin includes also Mode S functionalities. It is fully capabale to correctly differentiate between FAA and ICAO flight plan format. Additionally, plugin settings are available to customise the plugin behaviour and limit certain functionalities to comply with the vACCs local needs and requirements.
If you observe a functionality issue or if you want to propose a change or a new feature, please create an issue directly on GitHub.
General questions and discussions can be held in this topic. Please make sure to read the documentation before asking.
The current server configuration and assigned squawks can be reviewed at any time in the CCAMS Dashboard. Also have a look at the CCAMS statistics page.
I’m happy to announce the latest update of the CCAMS plugin. Version 2.3.1 includes a number of improvements addressing the automatic squawk assignment of airborne aircraft and the handling of requests while connected to Sweatbox or a local FSD server. An additional command has been added to reload the plugin configuration data upon request. This shouldn’t be necessary in general, but it will reset the plugin to the same state as when it is initially loaded.
Previous version will be disabled a few days after AIRAC 2306.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone using and promoting this plugin. A regular (and growing) user basis and stable operations are the best motivators for continuous improvements and additional features.
Currently, an average of 1000 request are answered per day by the server. On peak days, up to 1800 requests are answered. If you are interested in some more statistics, visit the CCAMS statistics page.
After a year with only sporadic work on the CCAMS environment, I recently picked up some pace again, motivated by various inputs, requests and reports. It is mostly about improvement in different areas, extending the functionality and/or the configuration options. Some of these changes require changes to the CCAMS server infrastructure, which is therefore a prerequisite to improve the user experience using the plugin.
An updated server backend has therefore been developped in the last 1-2 months. It is currently in a testing state, running in parallel with the existing server to verify its stability and realiability. And I can already report that this was a wise choice to find some unintended changes, which would have resulted in unexpected/unwanted code assignments. The switch to the new server is planned within the next 7-10 days. I’m not expecting any issues to existing users at this point.
Improvements to the pluign are scheduled thereafter. A good part of the coding is actually already done. I will inform again in this topic and on GitHub.
Important for existing users: After switching to the new server, requests from older plugin versions will be denied by the server and discrete code assignments will stop working. I highly recommend to use the latest plugin version 2.3.1, which will alert users also if a newer version of the plugin is available, so that there is enough time to distribute and switch to a new plugin version.
Currently, plugin version 2.3.0 is still widely used by controllers in Spain, Poland and Turkiye. If you are a controller from that region, please share this message and ask to update to plugin version 2.3.1.
Plugin version 2.3.0 support will stop at the end of year 2024.
Plugin version 2.4.0 is expected to be released within 1 week from now. If you are a sector file package manager, please consider this new version to come to include in the AIRAC 2413 release. As already mentioned, I will report here and on GitHub any new version, and further information.
Meanwhile, I thank you for using CCAMS plugin and hope it makes controller life a bit easier for you. If you have any questions or proposals, don’t hesitate to open an issue on GitHub, or reply to this topic.
The latest plugin version 2.4.0 was just released. It includes improved support for non-Windows platforms (using virtual environments like Wine) and a number of improvements for the automatic squawk assignment, including a (re-)validation upon starting to track an aircraft.
Version 2.4.8 is now available, which is the first release candidate for 2.5.0.
Compared to 2.4.0, the changes focus on improved functionalities and stability. Therefore I’m confident this version can be used without any hesitations. But I want to make sure, no new issues are introduced. Therefore I’m grateful for people using this new version and reporting any issues not present in previous versions.
The main fixes and improvements are:
Improved MSSQ warning flag
Improved duplicate detection (relevant to determine automatic squawk assignments)
Improved request sent to server
Fixed EuroScope version reading and improved associated info/warning messages
Fixed config parameter reading
Improved handling for sweatbox and replay sessions
There are already some further improvements planned, which will follow after 2.5.0 has been published.
Thank you for reporting and issues and enjoy using the CCAMS plugin.