Cannot find the specified model for MSFS was not found

Hello, I am actually quite new to this VATSIM and Vpilot, so while I was configuring for settings in the vpilot app and I hit apply, It told me just as the title says, but I uninstalled MSFS 2020 in steam long ago and currently playing MSFS 2024, sure I noticed there were 67 models found in the 2020 but zero in the 2024.

Also I’m trying to locate where are the vmx files in 2024, in case for the custom rule set…

Any fixes to any of this? I’d be gladly appreciated with thanks!

Sounds like MSFS 2020 was not completely uninstalled. The UserCfg.opt file still exists on your hard drive. vPilot looks for this file to determine if you have MSFS 2020 installed or not. That file contains the path to your Official and Community packages folders. So that file still exists, but it either points to a packages folder that no longer exists, or the packages folder is empty, or at the very least, it is missing the default model “Generic Airliner Twin Engines Asobo 00”. (It looks like the packages folder still exists, since vPilot is finding 67 models.)

Your best bet is to delete the MSFS 2020 UserCfg.opt file. Be sure you delete the right one, because MSFS2024 uses the same file.

The file is in a different location depending on where you purchased MSFS 2020, either via Steam or via the Windows Store. Where did you get it?

I bought them through steam, as for the file, I deleted it which was located in my roaming > msfs 2020 and it works, my last concern is that the msfs 2024 scanned zero models is that normal?

Yeah, that’s normal due to the fact that the models that come with the sim are not downloaded and saved on your hard drive, instead they are streamed. If you install some third-party models such as FSLTL, it will show the count.

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Ah alright, thanks man. Really helps!

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