[BETA] New Flight Plan form on myVATSIM

Feedback from me is it works pretty darn good, but I’d make the input field length longer for OPR (might not be real to do so, but VSOA might be able to use it for tracking purposes in the future), and add an RTF input field as well somewhere! cheerz

I agree it’s a training issue, 100%. And in my experience, it’s on the mend. But I don’t see why we wouldn’t want the option, as I still phase this issue fairly often, even in NOR/SWE/DEN up there on our high horses.

Additionally, it would be a good tool for UK ops where we don’t generally file flightplans because IRL units only the ACCs have the full flightplan database, other units only have parts relevant to them or nothing at all (also, a flightplan alone does not constitute grounds for alerting service in the UK). “Booking out” by calling the tower or filling in a short online form (reg/callsign, type, dep/dest, POB, email+phone) is the more common option for the UK IRL, and the UK covers a significant number VATSIM members.

I got my PPL almost two years ago in the UK, and I’ve yet to even look at a real flightplan form. I’ve been working ATC here for 5 years, and we do not have access to any FP database, only e-strips for aircraft who’ve filed to/from us. 99% of our VFR traffic does not file.

As you’ve mentioned elsewhere, there are two types of flightplans: The normal one, and “abbreviated flightplan”, ref SERA 4001. The latter is generally in the form of a progress strip with callsign, type, reported route and any other relevant info we might want. On VATSIM this is the one ATC creates on the spot for freecallers. IRL, at least in the UK, it’s very very common for this info to be phoned in, as per above. That is essentially the functionality I want. A little help to a busy controller/unit, so that they don’t have to do all the dirty work but I don’t have to break out my flow chart for the billion things the full form requires.

If we choose to have such a function in the new flightplan system, obviously we need to make it very obvious that this form is for those types of operations only, not for regular airliner ops and IFR in general. Hopefully this would alleviate any fears of daunting pilots or of receiving tons of erroneous flight plans.

Edit: Couple small corrections, used the wrong quote for the second part. Added last paragraph.

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Additional minor issue with the required DOF: If you disconnect in cruise for longer than the flightplan time out and then reconnect after zulu midnight, refiling will force you to put the “wrong” today’s date, i.e. you’ll be unable to refile the flightplan for your actual departure date and time.

Request: Empty/clear flight plan option.

I’ve just done an IFR flight, and am going to continue on a VFR flight without any ATC which I’m not going to file anything for. I’m flying on the aircraft’s reg, so a new callsign isn’t an option, and so I’ll be flying around the area on a flight plan that is contradicting my intentions. There should be a way to close flight plans.

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That’s a great idea!
Perhaps something that at some point in the future could also evolve into an option for ATC to close flight plans on their end (and perhaps even open them), similar to IRL.

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Would it be possible to make a separate field for STS/? Would be nice for VSOAs to make our RMK more clean.

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Any ETA when this new flight plan form will be declared final? I mean, the beta phase has been going on for a good while now…

Not much longer. I’ve been really busy with other stuff for the past couple months, so development on this slowed down a lot.
I’ve pushed a couple changes to myVATSIM last night, and I have a few more especifically on the new flight plan form before it becomes the default


Many thanks for this information, highly appreciated!

There is probably some universal law which states something like, “if you want a job done, and you want it done really well, ask a really busy person to do it.” So folks like you, who are highly knowledeable, and intelligent too, will be bombarded with requests for action. These requests don’t come with any timescale apart from “immediately,” or in some relaxed cases, “as soon as possible” in the belief that the recipient of all these disparate demands will immediately spring into action and conjure up the perfect solution out of their wizardly hat.

Questions like “when will this be ready” (no disrespect to the member asking that question: it’s an obvious one) seem to indicate the real need for beleaguered wizards like you to produce the final answer. I just wanted to say that I feel your pain and applaud your steadfastness. Vatsim does not have enough members of your calibre. Or maybe Vatsim already does, and has not yet been able, or inclined, to identify tbem. Because surely they exist, given the huge membership.