A few days ago a loaded up Gatwick in a C152. APP, TWR and GND were all online and LON_C_CTR was also on. I asked for vfr clearance to the the north and GRD said he had to get it from London. So in the time I had loaded on APP had gone offline which was fine and I waited for about 30 minutes to get my clearance and finally got to taxi. The GND control was very understanding and was a great controller. When I got to the hold and contacted tower they said they had to get my clearance. I explained that I got it from GND and read it to them but they just said I was lying and that GND can’t give VFR clearance and only tower can. I said that I definitely got my clearance not wanting to wait another half our which they said negative I have have to get clearance from London, the rules say only tower can give VFR clearance in the UK. Anyway told him I was disconnected and after 30 minutes on the ground decided not to fly at all.
Don’t know if this is just my fault for flying in Gatwick. Just seems like a joke waiting for an hour for clearance because tower wanted to give it to me too. Just confused if the tower controller has to give the clearance or if ground can.