Approche button active onvor landing

i have see in vor apprich can use approch button like ils flight
how we do this ?
and by follow the altitude of vor and frequency when start landing ! warning to low terrain is droping fast , did i have to change speed 160 knots ?
Ok in vor hios have 2300 7.3 for fpa i am set it to -7.3 to start descent
but is going fast ? did id important forlanding to have 160 knots

How you have to set up your MCP/FMA for different types of approaches depends a lot on the specific aircraft type.
Your approach speed depends on the aircraft type, runway physical characteristics, wind and weather situation, and especially the question when you need to reach this speed as this will determine when you have to start reducing your speed. Most, if not all modern airliners will have some functionality in their FMS or as part of the EFB to calculate the relevant speeds.
FPA - at least in Airbus aircrafts’ MCP/FMA - stands for flight path angle. An angle of 7.3% 7.3° is way too steep for pretty much all civilian approaches worldwide as well as for most aircraft types. The chart tells you precisely what the approach angle for this particular approach is.

Take Andreas’ advice from one of the many other threads you opened and look at some study material. You seem to lack the absolute basics of (IFR) flying which makes it near impossible to give you suitable advice/answers to your questions without spoon-feeding you every little detail and I highly doubt that anyone is willing to do that.

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On top of it “7.3%” is not an “angle”, but a “gradient”. The “descent angle” is even shown on the map: 2.86°.

@1656497 as mentioned before, you are lacking basic IFR aviation knowledge, you need to get this done first.

Touché - I should read what I write before I press send. No clue how I made a % out of that ° :sweat_smile:

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yes i use the angle but when i start to runway did i have to put the minimums as altitude ?

You set the missed approach altitude when you are on your final descent. Basic IFR knowledge…would you please acknowledge that you need to study basic IFR rules?

You NEVER EVER reply when you get helped, this is poor etiquette and not satisfying for those who are trying to answer your questions.

this pilot training is on vatsim , and where ?

Check the answer I had given you in the other topic where you had asked for advice.