I tried to register for their forum and after jumping through a ton of anti-bot verification hoops, it threw an error about token verification. I’m not going through that hassle again, so I won’t be able to participate in the discussions there, unless they simplify/fix their forum registration.
vPilot uses two different methods via simconnect to set the gear position for injected aircraft. When the aircraft is first encountered, it sets these three vars to either 100 or 0 depending on if the aircraft’s gear is up or down:
Then, after the model is injected, if vPilot later sees (in the data received from the network) that the gear up/down flag changed from true to false or from false to true, it sends one of these simconnect events to the aircraft object to raise or lower the gear accordingly:
This is how vPilot has always worked, and it has worked correctly for any model that actually supports the gear animation. My best guess is that somehow the AIG models are getting their gear position set correctly when they are first injected through the three gear position variables, but the gear stays “stuck” in the initial position even if the pilot raises or lowers the gear. Perhaps the AIG models are not responding to the GEAR_UP and GEAR_DOWN events. This would explain why departures show their gear down, and arrivals show their gear up.
One way to test this theory would be to try connecting at an airport where there is an aircraft on final with its gear already down. If that aircraft shows gear down when you connect, then the theory is likely correct. You could also try watching a departure as it climbs out. If the gear never get retracted, that would also support this theory.
Out of curiosity, do the FSLTL models also have this issue? If they do, then maybe it’s something in the simulator itself that is blocking/ignoring the GEAR_UP/GEAR_DOWN events, and it’s not specific to AIG models.
I found a couple posts that say the issue occurs with AIG as well as FSLTL, but they are both for MSFS 2024, not 2020.
One of those posts says that departures will indeed retract their gear, so maybe this is only an issue with the GEAR_DOWN event. Hard to say. I don’t have a system with AIG installed and I don’t have time to get it set up right now, so I won’t be able to do any of my own testing any time soon. Maybe you can point the AIG folks to my reply here and see what they say. I would post in their forum thread myself if it weren’t for the registration problems.