I have a question for you computer network wizards. I’m trying to figure out a way in which I can talk to ATC while I’m in a different room than my main sim computer. Eg. Flying during CTP, I’d like to be able to talk to ATC from my laptop while seated in my living room when I’m overflying the ocean part. Obviously for the high volume departure and arrival I will be at my main computer and headset, but I’m curious what methods others may have used to make such a thing possible. What I’ve been doing is just Live Streaming my long haul and monitoring the live stream on my laptop, I can hear when a controller calls my call sign and then I run to my Rig and answer. This takes me less than 60 seconds to do, so not an issue. But if there was a way in which I don’t have to jump up and down, that would be great! Oh and wireless, Bluetooth won’t work as my main computer is old and doesn’t support those features. However, maybe there is a way to connect a device, or separate mouse through my home wifi network. But then I’d have to figure out a way to use it in connection with xpilot. So at a loss here. Thanks for any ideas. Dave
You don’t. If you are in another room you are not monitoring your flight “at all times” as required by the CoC.
If you need to go “out of the cockpit” (calls of nature or getting something to eat are fine) you need approval from ATC and then report back. Under no circumstances can a connection be unattended for more than 30 min.
It is interesting. I have heard of people rigging an alarm system so that if they receive a PM it alerts them anywhere in the house.
Thank you for the suggestion. But I hear and respond to every call and or text from ATC. I’m just trying to figure out if there is a way to use voip from my laptop. I read somewhere that maybe I could simply install xPilot on my laptop too. But I don’t understand how that would work.
I don’t have xplane installed on laptop, but maybe i wouldn’t need to with xpilot if somehow through my home network I could set up a push to talk with my second mouse or other device and listen to and respond from there? Anyway, maybe I should post this question on the xpilot forum. I likely will get more help there.
What a wonderful community of enthusiasts trying to help another. Oh wait your just showing off a sword. If you read my post again, maybe you’ll catch the part of how I live stream the flight and monitor on my lap top. So with a streaming delay of maybe 10 seconds and have the same view and sound as my main computer I’m hardley in violation…Actually no wait, I’m not at all in violation of any rules… regardless of what room I’m in. Why don’t you respond with something that can actually help me?
You can install xPilot on your laptop and use it from there (with the headset connected to it) at all times. So when you are at your sim you just put the laptop next to you.
Together with streaming (desktop sharing via VNC or Windows desktop sharing for example would even allow you to use the mouse) you are able to monitor your flight at all time and can quickly react.
Thank you for the information. That would work perfectly since my laptop is with me all the time. I would assume that xpilot would need to be connected to the simulator so ATC can see my radar info, such as Altitude, Speed and squawk code etc… So in theory your idea would work, but not sure how Vatsim would recieve the mentioned info if Im logged into xPilot on a laptop which isn’t running the sim. Maybe through xplane’s ip?. I know there are apps like igodispatch, ForeFlight and FltPlan Go which use xplane’s IP addy through my residential wifi, so maybe there would be a way to connect xpilot to the sim in the same fasion so I could use it on my laptop, as that would certainly resolve my issue.
Or alternatively maybe I could log in on my laptop as an observer using same callsign?
That way the primary xpilot client is already talking to the network as far as to what my aircraft is doing, but then I could handle all comms like you suggest through the observer log in.
In either case, I appreciate you trying to help me.
Running the VATSIM client on a different computer is easy and an often-used feature of all the clients I’ve heard of.
Just follow the xPilot documentation:
In fact your case is the “easy” configuration (only 1 sim computer) so just follow the lower paragraph where it says “If you want to run the xPilot client on a separate computer…”.
That’s great! Thank you. Quick question. I’m probably over thinking it. The instructions first say to start the client and I assume using the chat box enter in the IP of the sim. Then later in the instructions it says " be sure xPilot client must be closed before making changes to the configuration file,"… So do I enter this ip in the chat window, or do I need to locate and edit xPilot’s cfg file, where ever that may be?
I’m guess the chat cmd should do the trick.
By definition of the word monitoring.
observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review.
As long as I am reguarlly checking on my flight and I can respond to any requests to contact in a timley manner (as required by the coc) then I can easily clasify my self as adhering to the code of condut.
For examole, I can walk from my bedroom the the laundary past my PC check for any messages or ATC, then I have fufuled my minitoring requirements, if I go the the lounge room and watch TV and can still hear Vpilot notificationa, I have fuflled my monitoring requirements, if i use VATALERT to notify me of ATC thats come online and I reteun from folding my laundry to contact ATC I have meet the requirements per the code of conduct.
Not sure which client you are using but for vPilot you can use a Host-Client setup.
I recommend you are monitoring your flight at all times but perhaps you can use this method.
You have the vPilot Host on the same computer as your simulator and then you install the vPilot client on another computer and they talk to each other over your LAN.
On the computer with the vPilot client, you can configure vPilot and use that to listen and talk to ATC.
You could use a high quality Bluetooth headset or earbuds. I use Apple AirPods and I can walk around the house and I can get a range of up to 50 ft. (Depends on the Bluetooth capabilities of your computer.). To change frequencies, you need to be in front of your simulator, of course.