vPilot flight plan window disappearing from march 1st

OK I’m a pensioner who enjoys flying Flt sims. I do not wish to be a RW pilot, controller or computer genius. I updated to the new version (what a mistake that was!) and tried to file a Simbrief fltpln as normal only to be presented with a web page that is totally incomprehensible, no tutorial, no guidance just a slam dunk its there. Is VATSIM now a place for RW aviation “professionals” who know all about FAA or ICAO format fltplns and no longer care about the enthusiastic amateur. All you VATSIM controllers, supervisors etc… who are trying to turn a hobby into the real airline world and experience are getting so wrapped in yourselves and “reality” elitisms you are leaving the little people behind and buried.
One final thought and question as you are going to ICAO (whatever that is?) will the american servers still accept Simbrief fltplns as they are FAA (i think). If so I will be doing all my flying in the States and leaving all this UK elitism behind.


the flightplans in the US in real life have for a long time switched to icao codes in real life, only for some very special cases they are stillpossible to be used. In the online form for the moment at least you still can however use the old faa codes and if you create your flightplans in simbrief all of this is handled automatically for you if you click prefile on vatsim

Does anyone have vpilot version 3.7? I trusted that nothing stupid would be added in the new version and I used the default updater which overwrote files of the existing version. I would like to go back to the previous version where the “Flight Plan” button doesn’t open the web browser.
The fact that this is a stupid idea is proven by the fact that it is not possible to download older versions from the creator’s website. Creator: A good product speaks for itself. If you are not afraid - move previous versions to the download section.

BTW - where are you flying vatsim? First stupid idea was to introduce 8,33kHZ freq without making sure that developers like PMDG implement it in their products for P3D which is still one of the most popular sim. Now we have another stupid idea: you want to send FP - you have to open web-browser. Tom Allensworth is turning in his grave.
Kick out the current management - restore normality.


So why in blue blazes doesn’t your initial announcement say that!!!

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Because VATSIM has been taken by young and not too smart guys who want to prove themselves that they are clever and they create stupid things - e.g. the latest version of vpilot.
I am also old and have been using VATSIM for many, many years and I demand: VATSIM Management - restore the old version of vpilot!!!
Regarding “as real as it gets”: is it realistic when I have to use in a PMDG plane over P3D a command on the vpilot instead of the radio panel to tune in to a selected ATC station that uses 8.33 kHz?


Wrong. The old versions are not accessible because we can’t have people on old versions forever holding us back from moving the technology of the network forward, just because they can’t tolerate change.

Old versions will soon be prevented from connecting at all.

A good product continually evolves, making old versions obsolete.

Well if we are all young and not too smart why don’t you pull up a chair and help.

“Regarding “as real as it gets”: is it realistic when I have to use in a PMDG plane over P3D a command on the vpilot instead of the radio panel to tune in to a selected ATC station that uses 8.33 kHz?”
That is far from Ross’ problem in vpilot. P3D and simconnect on old sims doesn’t support it.




I have. Was not online since 29th.
Planning to backup it before connecting.
As Network Admin guy , planning to do some netstat checks and logs checks on my fw.
So I can block to update for the vpilot.
But issue is if they do use the same IP for update and connecting to network. Than we are screwed as we can block vpilot to connect to voice server too not just to block updates. Or maybe not as they should use different ports for updates and different for vatsim connect.
But another issue is, they can block the old version to be a accepted on server and we are screwed again :rofl:
So here we need to do some hacking that our 3.7 version is pretending to be 3.8.
So looks like as other guys we.need to go SWIFT way.

I hate this change too. It was easy and great to load the flp via vpilot. Just downloaded the file from simbrief and click load.

Now I have to go first to my mail to check for the very first mail I got from Vatsim with that stupid PID or CID number that is used for login. Everytime I have to go to watsim web I need first to check my mail for this number, like a total stupid. I somehow can not remember that number at all. Really do not understand why they can not use a normal login via e-mail or username but we have to put that number…

I tried to “pull up a chair and help” and was suspended for my efforts. :frowning:

We do not all have browsers or smartphones, particularly when we are flying.
Virtual flying is a hobby, it is an escape; so why should we have to bring the bad world into our escape time?

Is this document the basis for the way VATSIM is going?

Time to chill. The same thing happened for xPlane users about 2 years ago when xPilot removed the flight plan window and it moved to the VATSIM website. The sky is still exactly where it’s supposed to be.

I don’t understand why everyone is making a big deal out of it. The majority of users have already been using the website for ages making use of Simbrief’s prefile feature. All the features of the Flight Plan window are there in a Web UI and are just as easy to fill out as they used to be. It doesn’t need instruction as another mentioned there was none. Read it for more than a second and youll see its exactly the same but on a website.

You’re literally posting on a web forum. That requires a browser.

Yes, the implementation will be based on that document, but that’s the full documentation.
Here’s a shorter, easier to follow one: https://files.eurofpl.eu/originalfpl/pdfs/EuroFPL-ICAO_Flightplan_Form_Basics-latest.pdf
And just a reminder, we’re changing the form on the website with some additional information/hints that should help everyone

i dont really mind the removal of the fp window in vpilot – however, in the middle of a 10 hour long haul i decide to log off and take a nap. when i come back and reconnect, as expected, the flight plan is gone. but now, ITS REALLY GONE.

in the past, i would have it loaded in vpilot before i disconnected, and all i needed to do was file it when i came back. now i go back to the webform and it’s blank.

luckily i hadnt done anything to simbrief so it was still sitting there and i could “prefile” it again from the air. ONCE. now im stuck again unable to make any alterations (cleaning up remarks, etc) because “callsign in use, try again in 90 seconds”


For the callsign in use issue quickly disconnect, refile, reconnect

yeah i fiddled around with it, got it worked around

All your flight plans are saved in simbrief for a period of time after you have created them.